How to Open the Task Manager

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Task Manager is an application managing utility built into the Windows operating system. You can end applications using this program, and it is especially useful with nonresponding applications. You can also monitor and end system processes running in the background, which is helpful when you need to stop a spyware or virus from operating. You can also check your computer's current performance statistics and view the network status. There are several different methods of starting the Task Manager that apply to all versions of Windows.


Step 1

Press the three-key combination of "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete" click "Task Manager" in the "Windows Security" window.

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Step 2

Another method is to press the three-key combination of "Ctrl," "Shift" and "Esc."


Step 3

A third option is to right-click the Taskbar anywhere in a blank space and select "Task Manager."


Step 4

A fourth option is to select the "Start" menu, choose "Run," type "taskmgr" and hit "Enter."

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