How to Paint a PDF File

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Paint uses virtual brushes.

One of the fun things about computers is playing with programs like Paint. You can use the tools in Paint to add something to a different document. The Paint program can help you make new image files, but it cannot open document or PDF files. While it is impossible to open a PDF file in the Paint program, there are several ways to paint a PDF file.


Using File Conversion

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Step 1

Convert your file to a PDF. Many programs can convert a PDF to a Paint-acceptable format such as a JPEG. Programs such as Preview allow you to export PDF files as pictures. You can also use a free file converter online, such as


Video of the Day

Step 2

Open your file in paint. Color or paint the file in any way you desire.

Step 3

Save your finished creation in whatever image type you prefer. JPEG is the most common image type.

Step 4

Convert your JPEG image to a PDF file using the same program you used in the original conversion.


Using PhotoShop

Step 1

Find a computer with a copy of the PhotoShop software. Many computer labs at schools have this software.


Step 2

Open the PDF in PhotoShop and add a "layer" to your file. Add any embellishments you desire on the new layer. This allows you to delete new additions without altering the original image. PhotoShop allows you to play with a large variety of colors, brush types and interesting effects.

Step 3

Save your file in its original format.

