How to Password Protect a Shared Folder

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Password-protect the folders on your shared drive.

A shared folder on your computer allows other people on your network to access common files. If you want to restrict others from accessing the shared folder, you can put a password on the folder to prevent people from accessing the folder contents. Putting a password on your shared folder isn't a difficult task and it can be done in a matter of minutes.


Step 1

Navigate to the folder on your computer's shared drive that you want to password-protect.

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Step 2

Right-click on the folder. A small gray menu then appears.

Step 3

Scroll to the bottom of the menu to the "Properties" tab.


Step 4

Double-click on the "Properties" tab.

Step 5

Navigate to the "Sharing" tab at the far right and click on it.


Step 6

Navigate to the bottom of the "Sharing" tab and check the "Make this folder private" box.


Step 7

Click on the "Apply" button at the bottom of the display.

Step 8

Click "OK" at the bottom of the display. The folder is then set to the administrator's password.

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