How to Password Protect Folders in an External Hard Drive

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A password helps keep the contents of your external hard drive secure.

External hard drive users can carry huge files with them wherever they go in the form of music or video. Though this makes it easier to share content with friends and family, someone could steal your data or you could lose it by accident. If you do not have access to your drive, you lose the ability to retrieve any important information it contains. However, if you properly protect your external hard drive via password, you greatly reduce the risk of having important information stolen.


Step 1

Insert the drive onto your machine via a USB slot. Go to "Start" and select "My Computer."

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Step 2

Double-click the icon of your external hard drive.

Step 3

Right-click on an empty space in the window of your drive. Create a new folder.


Step 4

Highlight each window and program of your hard drive and drag these items onto the folder you just made.


Step 5

Right-click the new folder and click "Properties." Go to "Sharing" and then mark "Make This Folder Private."

Step 6

Press "Enter." Double-click your folder and type your Windows sign-on information to view the folder and its contents.

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