All types of media from music to movies are increasingly being distributed in digital formats. If an LCD TV owner has digital movies saved onto a flash drive that they'd like to view, these digital copies can be problematic. To play a movie stored on a flash drive, the television needs not only a built-in USB port but also must have the necessary codecs installed. Luckily, there is a way to play videos stored on a flash drive on an LCD TV and it requires only a few steps.
Step 1
Purchase a USB TV media player for your LCD television. The Western Digital TV Life Hub, NBox TV Media Player and CVJI-E50 SD Card + USB Media Player for TV are a few of the popular USB TV media players available.
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Step 2
Connect the power cable to the USB media center device and plug the other end of the cord into a power outlet. Connect the media center to the LCD TV via the supplied composite or component cables or using a separately purchased HDMI cable.
Step 3
Insert the flash drive that contains the video files you want to view on your LCD TV into the media center's USB port.
Step 4
Turn on the television and set it to the input used to connect the media center. Use the device's remote to scroll over to the "Video" or "Movie" section (depending on the device) of the media center's on-screen interface and press the "Enter" key on the remote to view the detected video files.
Step 5
Press the arrow keys on the device's remote to scroll through the list of detected video files. Highlight the video file you want to view and press the "Enter" key on the remote to begin playing the video file.
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