How to Plot a Titration Curve on Excel

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Titration curves in Excel are best represented with scatter diagrams.

In chemistry terms, a titration curve tracks the pH level of a solution as a substance with a known concentration and volume is added to it. This type of curve consists of a shallow slope ascending into a very steep rise and then leveling off into another shallow slope. As such, a standard linear, polynomial or curved regression trend line the likes of which Excel's Chart Wizard produces would not represent the curve accurately. Fortunately, you have another option.


Step 1

Open a new worksheet in Excel, and create two column headings with the titles "Titrant Amount" and "pH Level." Fill out the two columns with the data you have measured.

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Step 2

Highlight your entire data set, including your column headings, by clicking and dragging your mouse across it.


Step 3

Click the "Chart Wizard" button in the toolbar. Click the XY (Scatter) chart type to select it, then select a "Scatter with data points connected by smoothed Lines" chart. Click "OK"; Excel will generate the chart with the smoothed titration curve on top of the data series.


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