How to Print in Blue Ink

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If your printer runs out of black ink, dark blue ink is commonly accepted.

Whether your printer is out of black ink or the assignment requires blue ink, you can print your documenst in blue ink. Word processing programs such as Microsoft Word let you change printer settings to blue ink. To print a document that you cannot edit first, such as a web page or .pdf document from an e-mail, the process is longer.


Printing from a Word Processor

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Step 1

Open the document you want to print.

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Step 2

Highlight all the text with your mouse or press the "CTRL" and "A" keys.


Step 3

Find the "change font color" option in your processor's tool bar. In many MS Word processors this will be an "A" with a stripe of color underneath.

Step 4

Select the shade of blue that is closest to your needs. For research papers or official documents, choose the darkest blue.


Step 5

Click "File" and select "Print" from the drop-down menu. Click "Print" when the Print Options box opens.


Printing Documents You Cannot Edit

Step 1

Purchase ink in your desired shade of blue.


Step 2

Open your printer and replace its black ink cartridge with your new blue ink cartridge. Remove the colored ink cartridge if the printer has one.

Step 3

Open the document. Click "File" and select "Print" from the drop-down menu. Click "Print" in the pop- up Print Options box. Although your document was created in black (or some other color) your printer will use the blue ink to print it.



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