How to Print PDF Files That Do Not Allow You to Print

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Adobe Acrobat software can create protected documents that cannot be changed. While this protection is useful, it can also make documents saved in this format difficult to print. Sometimes trouble with printing documents rests in a problem with your printer, but you can also have problems with the program or document itself. When you encounter printing difficulties, you can choose different printing options or convert your file to a different file format in order to print. These options are easy to perform and take just a matter of minutes.


Troubleshoot and Use Different Print Options

Video of the Day

Step 1

Check your printer first to see if the problem is in your printer's function.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Select "Print" under the file menu. Click "Advanced" to open advanced print options.


Step 3

Select the "Print as image" option in the lower left-hand corner. Click "OK" to close the dialog box and print your document.

Convert Files to a Different Program to Print

Step 1

Open your PDF document. Click "Save."



Step 2

Type in your document name. Select the Microsoft Word option under the "Save As" menu to convert the file to a Word document.

Step 3

Open your document in Microsoft Word to make any necessary changes to it. Print the file from Microsoft Word.


