How to Produce a Banner Image in High Resolution

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Image Credit: Ciaran Griffin/Lifesize/Getty Images

Creating a high-resolution banner image is a fairly easy task that can be done in any graphic design application. There are two factors that determine the resolution of a banner: the pixels per inch (PPI) and the original size of the image dimensions. If you are creating a banner made of entirely original graphics, you have complete control over the resolution. If you are using a photograph to make your banner, the photo needs to be high resolution before you begin. Ensuring that your banner has a high resolution begins when you first create your new document. No matter which application you are using, the process is virtually identical.



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Step 1

Launch Photoshop and click on "File," then "New" to create a new document.

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Step 2

Set the height and width dimensions to the size the banner will be displayed at. For example, if you are making a Web banner that will be 75 by 300 pixels, then you would simply enter those numbers in the height and width fields with "pixels/inch" set as the unit of measurement. If you are making a banner for a print ad that needs to be 2 by 6 inches, then you would enter those numbers in the height and width fields with "inches" selected as the unit of measurement.


Step 3

Set the resolution at "72 pixels/inch" for a Web banner. Set the resolution at "300 pixels/inch" for a print banner. Click "OK."


Step 1

Launch GIMP and click on "File," then "New" to create a new document.



Step 2

Refer to Step 2 from Section 1.

Step 3

Refer to Step 3 from Section 1.


Step 1

Launch Paint.NET and click on "File," then "New" to create a new document.


Step 2

Refer to Step 2 from Section 1.

Step 3

Refer to Step 3 from Section 1.



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