Charter Communications offers TV services through its Spectrum brand. Your Charter TV remote may be branded with either the Charter or Spectrum logo depending on if you purchased services before or after 2014 when Spectrum was rolled out. How to program your Charter remote depends on the type of remote you have and the TV or other device you have.
Program Charter Remote: 1060BC2
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The Charter 1060BC2 remote is also known as the Spectrum remote that comes with self-installations. These are installations that are performed by the customer, so if you installed your own Charter Spectrum TV box, then this is most likely your remote. The remote comes with the ability to pause, rewind, fast forward and record shows on your TV. You can program the Charter remote by pressing the button for the device that you want to program to the remote and then holding down the "Set Up" button until you see the light on the top of the remote blink twice. Type in the code for your TV, audio or DVD device. Common TV codes include LGs: 11423, 10856, 11178, Sonys: 10810, 11685, Vizios: 11758, 10864, 10885, and Samsungs: 10812, 10766 and 10814. Common DVD player codes include RCAs: 20522, 20571, 20717, Sonys: 20533, 20864, 21033 and Samsungs: 20490, 20573 and 20199. More Charter remote codes can be found in your Charter 1060BC2 remote manual which is available on the Charter Spectrum website. After trying each code, press the "Power" button on the remote and if the device turns off or on, then the programming is complete. If it doesn't, try the next code for your device and brand.
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Program Spectrum URC 2060 Remote
The Spectrum URC 2060 remote is a Charter remote control that has auto-programming for TVs. This means that you do not need to type in a programming code for the ten most popular TV brands. You can program the remote by pressing and holding the "Setup" button until the light on the remote blinks twice and then press the "TV Power" button on the remote. Press and hold the number for your specific TV brand and then let go of the number when your TV powers off. Insignia/Dynex TVs use 1, LG/Zenith TVs use 2, Mitsubishi TVs use 3, Panasonic TVs use 4, Philips/Magnavox TVs use 5, Samsung TVs use 6, Sony TVs use 8, Toshiba TVs use 9 and Vizio TVs use 0. You can program other TV brands by performing a code search. To do this, press the "Setup" button until it blinks and then press the "TV Power" button. Hold down the "OK/Select" key until the TV turns off. Once it does, you Charter remote has been successfully programmed to control your TV.
Program UE C4000/S4000 Remote
The Spectrum Universal Electronics C4000 remote is another common Charter remote that can control multiple devices including audio, DVD and TVs. You can program your specific device with the code for that brand. Press the button for the device that you want to program to the remote, then press and hold down the "Set Up" button until you see a light blink twice. Type in the code for your device. Common Vizio TV codes include 11758, 10864 and 10885 while common Sony TV codes are 10810 and 11685. Samsung TV codes are 10812, 10766 while Magnavox codes are 11866, 10802 and 11198. You can find Charter remote codes for other TVs and devices by consulting the manual for your C4000 remote which is available on Charter Spectrum's site. Press the "Power" button after trying each code and if it works, then your TV has been programmed to the remote. If it doesn't, try another code.