How to Program a RCA Converter Remote

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Since TV has made the digital switch, many people need to use a digital converter box to use their non-digital TV sets. This makes digital converter boxes widely used. Programming the remote for the converter box eliminates clutter in the house by only needing one remote control, and enables you to control other devices easier by just the converter remote. RCA is a popular digital converter box brand with easy directions for programming its remote, so you will quickly be on your way to controlling all your devices with your converter box remote.


Step 1

Scroll to the last page of the PDF file from the RCA Converter Box manual. Locate the codes list for your device, such as the TV, VCR or DVD player. Download this document from the RCA website is you don't have it already.

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Step 2

Press the "PGM" button on the remote control. Once pressed, the indicator light remains illuminated. Enter the first 3-digit code from the codes list for the specific component, and press "OK" on the remote. The indicator light turns off when the remote has been programmed.



Step 3

Point the remote at the device, and press the buttons on the remote to see if the programming code worked. If the device responds, you are done. If not, you will need to start the process over using another code from the codes list until you find the one that works for the component.

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