You can import photos or image files into Windows Movie Maker and place them on top of a video using the software's timeline feature. This allows you to customize your videos with images, which will fade in over the top of your video footage. You can use Windows Movie Maker to select a point before, after or between video files to display the image. You can also edit the amount of time the image will show during your video clip.
Step 1
Launch Windows Movie Maker on your computer.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click "Import Video" to browse your computer for the video, and then double-click the file to import it to Windows Movie Maker.
Step 3
Click "Import Pictures" to browse your computer for the picture, and then double-click the picture file to import it.
Step 4
Click on the imported video clip, hold the mouse button down and drag it into the "Video" timeline at the bottom of the screen. You will see the video clip appear in the timeline.
Step 5
Click on the image, hold the mouse button down and drag it into the timeline behind the video. The image will display as a thumbnail in the timeline.
Step 6
Click on the image and drag it to the left until it is overlapping the end of the video clip. The image will slowly fade in over top of your video.
Step 7
Click "File," and then choose "Save Movie" file to save your edited movie to your computer.
Video of the Day