How to Read Tweets With Reverse Timeline

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Reverse Timeline is a Firefox Add-on for the popular microblogging website, Twitter. Reverse Timeline allows you to read all of an account's unread tweets in chronological order. As Twitter currently displays Tweets from newest to oldest, the add-on effectively "reverses" the normal order of tweets. The add-on allows you to more easily follow a series of events or breaking news stories. Formerly Read All Tweets, Reverse Timeline is compatible with the newest version of Twitter.


Step 1

Go to Add-ons for Firefox ( and search for "Reverse Timeline." Alternatively, go directly to the "Reverse Timeline" page.

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Step 2

Click the green "Add to Firefox" button.


Step 3

Click "Install Now" on the installation window.

Step 4

Restart Firefox to update your changes.

Step 5

Click "Tools" and then "Add-ons" from the top menu. Find "Reverse Timeline" and click "Options."



Step 6

Manually enter the usernames you wish to read in reverse. Save your changes.

Step 7

Go to the Twitter homepage and login to your account. View your homepage or the individual account page. Your designated tweets are now displayed in reverse.

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