You may sometimes send an email and realize it contains incorrect information, or forget to attach a file referenced in the message text. For these situations, Microsoft Outlook gives you the option of recalling your sent messages. You must have a Microsoft Outlook Exchange mailbox account to use this feature, and the feature will not work if you are accessing your mailbox from an Internet browser. You must use the Outlook software to recall messages sent via Outlook Web Access (OWA).
Step 1
Click the "Log Off" button at the top of the Outlook Web Access (OWA) navigation pane. Click the "Close" button, then click the "Yes" button.
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Step 2
Open the Microsoft Office Outlook program.
Step 3
Click the "Sent Items" folder in the "All Mail Folders" list.
Step 4
Locate the message you wish to recall in the "Sent Messages" list. Double-click the message to open it in a new window.
Step 5
Click "Actions" in the top menu bar, and select "Recall this Message."
Step 6
Click the radio button that corresponds to the action you wish to perform. Outlook selects the option to "Delete Unread Copies of this Message" by default.
Step 7
Leave the check box next to "Tell Me if Recall Succeeds or Fails for Each Recipient" checked if you want updates regarding your attempt to recall the message.
Step 8
Click "OK."
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