Recording audio on your computer and sending it in the form of an email is a quick and easy way to send your music to others. In order to record audio you must first download a free online audio recorder. The entire process is very simple and can be completed in a matter of minutes
Step 1
Turn on your computer and load up your Internet Browser. Type "http://audacity.sourceforge.net/" into the address bar.
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Step 2
Click on "download Audacity" and download the program on to your computer. Locate the icon on the desktop and double click on it with the left-hand mouse button to open it up.
Step 3
Click on the "record" button of the toolbar. You can locate it by finding what looks like a red circle. This will instantly start recording.
Step 4
Speak in to your microphone and record your audio. Once you have recorded it all, click on the "stop" button on the toolbar.
Step 5
Click "file" and then "export." Select the name and location you would like to save your audio file in. Open up your email account and create a new message. Click on "import file," select your audio file and click "open." This will import it into your email as an attachment.
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