When recording audio it is possible to save the content onto any form of computer storage, ranging from a hard drive to flash drive and even a memory card. Although you do need a memory stick reader installed on the system (either internally or externally), the process of saving the audio recordings onto a memory stick only takes a few moments to complete.
Step 1
Connect the memory stick reader to your computer. These devices have a USB cable that runs out of the rear and plugs into a USB port on your computer. The USB port is roughly half an inch long with a trident icon next to it.
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Step 2
Slide the memory stick into the memory stick reader. Momentarily the computer states it has detected a new, removable device.
Step 3
Launch Windows Audio Recorder. Click "Start," "All Programs," "Accessories," "Entertainment" and finally "Windows Audio Recorder."
Step 4
Insert the 3.5mm cable into the headphone port on the cassette tape or CD player (or any other audio device you want to import the audio signal from). Plug the opposite end of the cable into the "Line-In" port on your computer. This is the connection port on the computer a microphone connects to.
Step 5
Press "Play" on the connected audio device (such as a tape deck or CD player) and click "Record" in the Windows Audio Recorder and the audio records onto the computer. Select "Stop" to finish recording.
Step 6
Select "File," "Save" and a save window appears on the screen. Title the audio recording file, then choose the "Removable Device" as the save location. Click "OK" and the recorded audio saves directly onto the memory stick.
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