How to Reinstall Cdrom.sys

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Although you can't technically reinstall your CD-ROM driver (cdrom.sys), you can reset it so that it re-detects your drives when you have a problem. Sometimes, you get a message saying that cdrom.sys was corrupted or missing, or you see an incomplete list of your CD/DVD drives on "My Computer." Without using any third-party applications, you must make some changes to your registry to get cdrom.sys functioning again.


Step 1

Press the key with a Windows icon and the "R" key on your keyboard simultaneously.

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Step 2

Write "regedit" in the box and click "OK."

Step 3

Browse to the following location in your registry using the left side of the window where you can expand folders: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.


Step 4

Right-click "UpperFilters" on the right side of the window and click "Delete." Click "Yes" when you get a confirmation prompt. Do the same for "LowerFilters."


Step 5

Restart your computer.


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Tips & Warnings

  • Exercise caution when editing your registry. Any mistake you make might reflect negatively on your system.

