How to Remove a Proxy Server

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Image Credit: yacobchuk/iStock/Getty Images

A proxy server is a tool used when browsing the web. When using a proxy server, all requests for web pages go through the server rather than being sent directly to the website. The proxy server retrieves the information, then sends it to your computer. Proxy servers are commonly used to provide internet access to workstations at businesses, or for browsing the web anonymously. Generally, the proxy settings in your web browser should be disabled unless you need to use one for one of the above reasons. Removing the proxy server settings can be accomplished in a few simple steps.


Internet Explorer (Windows)

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Step 1

Click "Tools", then click "Internet Options". This will bring up the Internet Options window.

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Step 2

Click the "Connections" tab, then click the "LAN Settings" button.


Step 3

Uncheck the box labeled "Use a proxy server for your LAN". Click "OK", and click "OK" in the previous window. This will remove the proxy server settings in Internet Explorer.

Firefox (Windows)

Step 1

Click "Tools", then click "Options" to bring up the Options window.


Step 2

Click the "Advanced" button, then click the "Network" tab.

Step 3

Click the "Settings" button, located next to "Configure how Firefox connects to the Internet".


Step 4

Click the radio button labeled "No proxy". Click "OK" twice. This will remove the proxy server settings in Firefox.

Safari (Mac)

Step 1

Click "Safari", then click "Preferences" to bring up the Preferences window.


Step 2

Click the "Advanced" tab, then click the "Change Settings" button. This will bring up the Network Preferences window.

Step 3

Click the "Proxies" tab. Ensure that all of the boxes under the column labeled "Select a proxy server to configure" are unchecked. Click "Apply Now". This will remove the proxy server settings in Safari.


