How to Remove Myself as Administrator on a Facebook Page

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Remove yourself as an administrator from a Facebook page.

Facebook lets page administrators manage various aspects of a page, from the information to the photos. Every administrator also has the ability to control behind-the-scenes activity, such as the other administrators. For instance, you can revoke administrator status from other people -- including yourself. Once you remove yourself, you no longer have the option to change anything on the page and can't rejoin until another administrator invites you back.


Step 1

Sign in to Facebook and visit your Facebook page.

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Step 2

Select "Edit Page" from the upper right area of the screen.

Step 3

Click "Manage Admins" on the left side of the screen. A list of the page's administrators appears.



Step 4

Click "Remove" next to your name.

Step 5

Click "Save Changes."

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