Hard drives are one of the most important parts of a computer system. Your Dell laptop's hard drive contains all the files, folders and operating system that makes your computer run. It is sometimes necessary to remove your Dell laptop hard drive when replacing or updating your drive with a new one.
Step 1
Shut down your laptop and remove all cables. Turn the laptop upside down, keeping the front of the computer facing toward you.
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Step 2
Locate the hard drive. It is likely located on the right side of the upside-down laptop close to the LCD clasping end. Remove the one retaining screw holding the drive in.
Step 3
Slowly pull out the drive using your thumb and fingers to grasp the grooved lines on the hard drive bracket cover.
Step 4
Handle the drive carefully. If possible, place the hard drive in a static-free bag when storing or sending in for repair.
Step 5
To reinstall a hard drive in your Dell, simple reverse the above steps. If upgrading to another drive, you will have to remove the drive bracket from your old drive and install it on the new drive.
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