How to Remove Wild Tangent Malware

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Wild Tangent software

Wild Tangent is technically not considered spyware or malware. It is actually a web driver used for many online and offline games. However, because it does use built-in modules allowing it to collect information about your computer and update automatically, you may not be comfortable having it on your system. Since it loads into your Control Panel, uninstalling it can be tricky. It will require you to do more than remove it by going to "Add/Remove Programs" on your Control Panel. Follow these steps.


Step 1

Go to your "Start" menu and click on "Run." Type "regedit" (minus the quotation marks) in the "Open" box and click "Go." Your computer's Registry Editor will open.


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Step 2

Expand "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" by clicking the button to the left of it. Expand the "SOFTWARE," "Microsoft," "Windows" and "CurrentVersion" folders in the same manner.



Step 3

Click on the "Run" folder. In the pane on the right, look for "wcmdmgr," "'wt gamechannel" and "ddcm." Delete them if they are present.

Step 4

Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer. Open "My Computer," double-click "Local Disk (C:)" and open the "Programs" folder.

Step 5

Find and delete the "Wild Tangent" folder by right clicking and choosing "Delete."

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