Adobe Photoshop has an easy-to-use filter that you can use to render your images in a few basic steps. Remember that once you apply this effect, you cannot delete it later—at least not without going through a long editing process.
Step 1
Open the image file that you want to render. This can be any type of image, including photos, artwork or patterns.
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Step 2
Create a new document that is at least double the size of the original image so that you will have plenty of room in your canvas to make modifications. For instance, if the image is 200 by 200 pixels, make this new document 400 by 400 pixels or more.
Step 3
Copy and paste the first image into your new, larger canvas. This will automatically create a new layer—name it "Rendering" or something similar.
Step 4
Click "Filter" then "Render" on the Photoshop main menu. You will see five different options—3D transformation, two different cloud effects, lens flare (a light in the middle of the picture), and lighting effects. In some versions you may also have a "fiber" effect that will make the image look like woven fibers. Choose one of these options (you may have to enter your desired settings into a dialog box).
Step 5
Select the area directly around the image. Click "Image" on the main menu then "Crop." This will get rid of any excess border around the image. Save a copy of the rendered image. Repeat this process for all of the images that you want to render.
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