How to Reset a Computer to a Previous Date

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When programs are downloaded and installed or when Microsoft sends updates for your operating system, those changes to your computer may sometimes cause conflicts with existing programs or cause your computer to not run efficiently. Computers with the Windows operating system can be restored to previous settings through the System Restore utility. Each time major updates are done to the operating system, Windows creates a restore point. Restore points also are created at scheduled intervals. If your computer experiences problems after an update, you can restore the computer to particular restore points.


Step 1

Click "Start" | "All Programs" |"Accessories" | "System Tools" | "System Restore" to launch the System Restore utility.

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Step 2

Select "Choose a Different Restore Point."

Step 3

Select the restore point to which you wish to return your computer from the list of available restore points and click "Next."


Step 4

Select "Finish" if you are comfortable with your restore point. Select "Back" if you want to select a different restore point. Select "Cancel" if you change your mind and do not want to restore your system to a previous date.

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