If you're having trouble with your Verizon FiOS TV signal, you can try resetting your Verizon router and set-top box. Also make sure the TV is turned on, plugged in and set to the right input. If you're having frequent troubles with your box or can't get it to work even after following the steps from Verizon FiOS for troubleshooting a TV with no signal, contact Verizon FiOS tech support for assistance.
Reset a Verizon FiOS Box
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If you see on your TV with Verizon FiOS no signal or a blue screen, you may need to restart your Verizon router and set-top box. Your set-top box is usually installed on or near your TV, and your router will sit between it and the FiOS line coming into your home.
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To restart those two devices, unplug them for at least 15 seconds to allow them to fully reset and then plug them back in. Wait at least 30 seconds for the router to start back up and wait until the clock time appears on your set-top box. Then, power up your set-top box and wait for the interactive media guide to appear, which may take a few minutes. When you see the guide, check to see if your TV issues are resolved.
Remember that when you unplug your router you will potentially disrupt your internet connection on any devices that are plugged in or wirelessly connected to the router, so you may want to wait on this step for troubleshooting a Verizon FiOS set-top box no data connectivity issue until nobody is doing anything important on your network.
Check Your Cable Connections
If resetting your router and box don't help resolve your problem, you can also check to make sure all the cables connecting your devices are secure. Unplug your power cables and any coaxial and ethernet cables connecting your devices to each other and to the Verizon network and plug them back in, taking care to tighten each connection.
If you think a connection to your television might be bad, you can try using different cables if you have any spares handy. If you think there might be an issue with your TV itself, you can try connecting your set-top box to another television to see if the situation improves. If it does, that might be a sign that you need to replace your TV, reconfigure it according to its manual or online documentation or have it repaired. Contact the TV manufacturer or the store where you bought it for information about any warranties or service contracts that may cover it.
Look for Power Problems
If the TV, router or set-top box do not appear to turn on at all, you may have an electrical issue. Try plugging the devices into other power outlets to see if the situation improves, and verify that you have normal levels of power in your home and that your circuit breakers have not flipped.
You can also test the outlet you use by plugging another device, like a lamp or a radio, in and seeing if it turns on. If one of the devices does not turn on when powered into outlets that otherwise seem to work, the device may need repair or replacement.
Contact Verizon if Needed
If you have trouble with your Verizon FiOS service and can't seem to diagnose it, or you have problems frequently requiring you to restart your router or box, this may be an issue that Verizon can fix. Contact Verizon FiOS technical support and be prepared to describe your issue and be near your box to try various troubleshooting tasks while on the phone with a representative.