How to Reset a Phone Tower

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Update the PRL on your phone to reset the phone towers in your area.

To reset a phone tower, you have to update the preferred roaming list (PRL) on your mobile phone. Updating the PRL provides you with a better signal and usually remedies any connectivity issues. You can do this directly from your device or by reprogramming your phone over the air.


From Phone

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Step 1

Open the "Settings" menu on your phone.

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Step 2

Select the option "About Phone" or "Phone Info."


Step 3

Select the option "Update" followed by "Update PRL." Wait for the phone to instruct you that it will reset the network. Select the option "OK." The device may reboot automatically.


Step 1

Dial "*288" from your mobile phone.



Step 2

Select the option to program your phone.

Step 3

Stay on the line until you hear the message stating that your phone has been successfully programmed.


