How to Reset a TracFone

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If you are looking for a budget cellular phone that doesn't require you to sign a long term contract, a TracFone is a good option. A TracFone comes with many features common to other cell phones. One such feature is the ability to perform a master reset on the unit. This will reset the phone to its factory settings and clear any bugs or glitches you may encounter.


Step 1

Turn on your Tracfone and select "Settings" from the main menu screen. A list of options will appear in a drop-down menu.

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Step 2

Select "Other Settings." Another list of options will appear.

Step 3

Select "Initial Setup" and then select "Master Reset" from the list of options.


Step 4

Enter "1234" when prompted. This is the security code that allows you to reset the unit. Once you enter the code, the phone will then reset.

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