How to Restore Deleted Email Addresses

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Your Email is your lifeline

Depending on whether you have web based email or a server based email, you can employ many tactics to finding your deleted or missing email addresses. If your contact book is missing, you could have had a virus, deleted it by accident or not logged into your web based email account for more than 30 days. For each of the situations, you can take steps to restore your email contacts if possible.


Lost Due to Virus

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Step 1

Run a good virus protection program and spyware program and eliminate all threats from your computer. Sometimes your email addresses will reappear when this is finished.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Contact the help desk or tech support at the company that provides you with your server based or POP3 Client email and tell them what happened. Often they can restore email addresses.


Step 3

Contact the help desk through your free or web based email program and tell them why your contacts were deleted. Often they can help you restore them.

Lost Due to Accidental Erasure

Step 1

Download a contact restore program from the Internet or ask your Internet provider to recommend one. Run this program to try to restore email addresses in your server based or POP3 Client email that you deleted by accident.


Step 2

Contact tech support for your web based or free email if you have deleted contacts by accident. They should be able to restore your account to the way it was before you deleted them.

Step 3

Go through your sent folder, your inbox, and your saved messages to glean addresses to save in a new contact folder if you cannot restore your old one.


Lost Due to Inactivity

Step 1

Restore your email address list by logging in or signing up for the same address again on your free email site.

Step 2

Log into your account.


Step 3

Use the help desk feature inside your free account to access technical support. Explain to them why you did not check your email for more than 30 days, or if you believe that you did check your email within that time and your email addresses were deleted anyway. They might be able to restore them for you.


