How to Review My Calls Made From My TracFone

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Check the calls made with your cell phone.

A TracFone is a wireless pay-as-you go cell phone. It does not require you to sign up for any contracts and you purchase the minutes you need. However, you still have many of the same features found on cell phones used on monthly subscription programs. This includes reviewing the phone calls you made and received. All this information is stored in the contacts information of your wireless phone.


Step 1

Power on your TracFone and wait for the operating system to boot up.

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Step 2

Select the "Menu" button on the phone, then choose "Contacts." This loads a list of all the contacts you have saved on the cell phone.


Step 3

Choose "Recent" and the list changes to all the phone calls you have both made and received. Depending on the exact phone you are using the list may only contain information for the last months worth of calls.


Step 4

Log onto the Internet and navigate to Here you can log onto your wireless account (your created password and cell phone number) and from there you can choose to view you recent history. The site displays all the phone calls you have made and received. However, on the site you can view your extended history.

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