How to Rotate a PDF in Word

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Microsoft Office Word is a popular word-processing program for creating documents by combining text, graphics and backgrounds. Adobe Reader is a widely used program for viewing PDF documents in a consistent format across a wide variety of viewing platforms. Word cannot directly incorporate PDF files. However, you can convert PDF pages to a format compatible with Word and rotate or otherwise manipulate the converted page image in your Word document.


Convert PDF

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open the PDF document. Navigate to the page you wish to import into Word.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click the "Snapshot" icon, which resembles a small camera, in the Acrobat Reader toolbar. If the icon is not visible, right-click the toolbar to display an options menu, and click "Snapshot" to add this tool to the toolbar.


Step 3

Place the cross-shaped "Snapshot" cursor in the upper left corner of the PDF page you want to copy.

Step 4

Press and hold your mouse key. Drag the cursor to the lower-right corner of the section you want to copy.


Step 5

Release the mouse key to copy the PDF section automatically, which will now be highlighted in blue, indicating the section has been copied to your computer's clipboard as an image file, usually in JPG format.

Paste and Rotate

Step 1

Open Word to the document in which you want to insert the image of the PDF section just copied.


Step 2

Press "Ctrl" and "V" on your keyboard to paste the image into the Word document.

Step 3

Move your cursor inside the image. Click your mouse key to select the image.

Step 4

Move your cursor over the small green dot that is displayed just outside the middle of the top edge of the image.


Step 5

Click and hold the mouse key to "grab" the dot, which an image rotation tool. Move the cursor to the right to rotate the image clockwise or to the left for counterclockwise rotation.


