If you attempt to play a digital video file on your computer and the video plays upside down, this is likely due to the graphics card or the video drivers that are installed on your computer. In order to view the video properly, you must flip the video right-side up. You can use the same methods to flip the video upside down if you have a desire to play it upside down on the screen.
Step 1
Attempt to flip the video right-side up or upside down with just a key combination to simply view the video on your computer. According to Ohio State University's Help Desk, pressing "Ctrl + Alt" and the "Up" arrow simultaneously can flip the video in some operating systems, such as Windows XP.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Download video-editing software that can flip video upside down if you need to save the video once it is flipped. A few standard video-editing programs can flip video, including Windows Movie Maker and iMovie.
Step 3
Launch your video-editing program from the desktop icon, "Start" menu or taskbar of the computer. Upload your file to the program by going to the "File" menu, selecting "Import" and navigating to the folder where the file is stored. Double-click the file to open it.
Step 4
Highlight the entire video clip you imported and drag the video clip from the pane it is in into the video-editing program's timeline. Highlighting is done differently in different programs. In iMovie for instance, you must click at the beginning of the first thumbnail for the clip and drag the box to the end of the last thumbnail. In Movie Maker, you can highlight by going to "Edit > Select All."
Step 5
Flip the video. In iMovie, click the crop tool on the toolbar and several options appear on the video screen. Click either the right or left rotating arrow twice to flip the movie upside down. In Movie Maker, go to the "Tools" menu and click "Effects" to open the "Effects" pane. Drag the "Rotate 180" effect down to the clip that you want to flip upside down on the timeline.
Step 6
Save the flipped movie. In iMovie, go to "Share > Export Movie," name the movie file and click "Export" to export to your hard drive. In Movie Maker, go to "File > Publish Movie," enter a name for the movie file and click "Publish" to publish to your hard drive.
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