How to Save Google Maps as a JPG

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Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

A JPG image file is a standard image format that works with most software. Since Google Maps doesn't have an option to save maps as JPG image files, take and save a screenshot of Google Maps as a JPG using the Snipping Tool on newer versions of Windows, or Microsoft Paint on Windows XP and older.


Use the Snipping Tool (Windows Vista and newer)

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open Google Maps and navigate to the location.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Open the Snipping Tool by clicking the "Start" button, "All Programs," "Accessories" and "Snipping Tool."


Step 3

Take a screenshot of the map by clicking the down arrow next to "New" in the Snipping Tool window, then clicking "Rectangular Snip." Click the corner of the Google Map, hold the mouse button down, select the entire map by moving the cursor, then release the mouse button.


Step 4

Save the map as a JPG by clicking "File," then "Save As" in the Snipping Tool window. Click the box next to "Save As Type," then click "JPEG File (*.JPG)." Type a name for the JPG file into the File Name box, then click "Save."

Use Microsoft Paint (Windows XP and older)

Step 1

Open Google Maps and navigate to the location.


Step 2

Copy a screenshot to the Windows clipboard by pressing the "Alt" and "Print Screen" keys simultaneously.

Step 3

Open Microsoft Paint by clicking "Start," "All Programs," "Accessories" and "Paint."



Step 4

Paste the Google Maps screenshot into Paint by clicking "Edit," then "Paste" in the Paint window.

Step 5

Select the map portion of the Google Maps window screenshot by clicking the rectangular selection tool on the upper-left side of the Paint window. Click the corner of the Google Map, hold the mouse button down, select the map portion by moving the cursor, then release the mouse button.


Step 6

Copy the Google Map by clicking "Edit," then "Copy" in the Paint window.

Step 7

Open a new Paint window by clicking "File," then "New" in the Paint window.


Step 8

Paste the Google Map into the new Paint window by clicking "Edit," then "Paste" in the new Paint window.

Step 9

Save the map as a JPG by clicking "File," then "Save As" in the Paint window. Click the box next to "Save As Type," then click "JPEG File." Type a name for the JPG file into the File Name box, then click "Save."



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