How to Save YouTube Videos to Your Favorites

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Watch your favorite YouTube videos again and agian.
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With more than 1 billion users and 300 hours of video uploaded every minute, YouTube is bound to have at least one video that you'll want to watch more than once. When you find a video that you want to save, add it to your Favorites -- a predefined video playlist that allows you to store and watch your favorite videos. You can also create custom playlists to easily organize and share your favorite videos.


Add Videos to Your Favorites

Video of the Day

You can add a YouTube video to your Favorites from the video's YouTube page. Log in to your YouTube account, navigate to the YouTube video that you want to add, and then click the Add to button -- located below the video title. Select Favorites from the list of playlists. If you've already created additional playlists, you can select the playlist to which you want to add the video.


Video of the Day

If you're a new YouTube user, you are prompted to create a YouTube channel when you click the Add to button. Click OK to automatically create your channel, and then click the Add to button again. The Favorites playlist is no longer predefined for new YouTube users, so you'll need to create a new playlist. Type a playlist name in the search bar and then click playlist name (create new). The video is automatically added to your new playlist.


Create a Custom Playlist

Custom playlists allow you to organize your favorite videos and control which videos you share publicly. To create a custom playlist, click your user icon -- located in the top-right corner -- and then click Creator Studio. Click Video Manager in the sidebar, and then click Playlists. Click the New playlist button and give your playlist a name. Choose one of the three privacy options, and then click Create.


If you choose to make your playlist Public, anyone can view your playlist. If you choose Unlisted, only people with a direct link to your playlist can view it. If you choose Private, your playlist is viewable only by you.

Delete Videos from a Playlist

To remove a video from one of your playlists, click your user icon and then click Creator Studio. In the sidebar, click Video Manager and then click Playlists. Find the playlist that contains the video you want to remove and click the Edit button. Hover your mouse cursor over a video, and then click the Remove button.



Warning! Confirmation is not required to remove a video.

Tips and Warnings

  • You can change your playlist's privacy settings in the "Playlist settings" menu.

  • Unless you've created a YouTube channel, you cannot create playlists or add videos to playlists.

  • Create multiple playlists to help keep your favorite videos organized. Give your playlists names that clearly describe the types of videos they'll contain.

  • You can add one video to multiple playlists.


