How to See the Date That People Became Friends on Facebook

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Image Credit: Twenty20

When you want to see when you and a friend -- or two mutual friends -- first became Facebook friends, the Friendship page is all you need. The Friendship page displays any information Facebook has about your relationship with the other person, including when you became Facebook friends, if you're related and any Life Events you've shared together. To see when you became friends, start by viewing your friend's profile.


Seeing a Friendship With You

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Looking up when you became Facebook friends with someone is really only one step beyond looking at a friend's profile. In fact, the Friendship page is actually accessed from your friend's profile page.


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Step 1

Type your friend's name into the search bar and select her from the list. People on your friends list with the typed name appear first, but non-friends with the same name also appear in the results. Be sure you choose the right one.

Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook.

Step 2

Click the ... button on your friend's profile, and select See Friendship. This menu also has the Block and Report buttons, used to block contact from that friend and report inappropriate or abusive behavior, respectively.


You can also select Poke from the ... menu for fun.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook.

Step 3

Check just under the Friendship page's cover image. There's a box containing information about your friendship, including when you became Facebook friends.



The Friends menu shows any mutual friends shared between the two of you.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook.

Seeing a Friendship Between Two Others

To see a friendship between two people on your friend's list, the process starts out the same as above. Once on the Friendship page, however, there are a couple more quick steps to follow.


Step 1

Click More from the Friendship page with one of the two friends you want to look up.

Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook.

Step 2

Select a pair of friends from the listings in the Browse Friends window. Alternatively, if the two friends you want to look at aren't listed, type their names in the text fields and click See Friendship.



Click the More button again to display additional possible Friendships to browse.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook.

Step 3

Check just under the Friendship page's cover image. There's a box containing information about the friendship between the two people you chose, including when they first became Facebook friends.


Image Credit: Image courtesy of Facebook.

If you select two people who aren't Facebook friends with one another, no information displays.


