How to Send a Computer Screen Wirelessly to a TV

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The appeal of using a television as a computer monitor is obvious: while computer monitors are usually compact and offer little in providing a crisp and detailed image, TVs are large, hardly movable and have quality images. Connecting your computer to your television with cords is often tedious and messy; using wireless connections minimizes the chance of unplugging and is aesthetically more pleasing, too.


Step 1

Connect your wireless converter to your computer through whatever port it is compatible. Many converters have adapters for other ports to work with your computer specifications.

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Step 2

Connect your wireless transmitter to your television through its corresponding port. If the transmitter uses an IR signal, make sure the transmitter is in the converter's line-of-sight; allow a radio signal transmitter to hang naturally.


Step 3

Turn your television channel to "PC" or to whichever "Input" channel your port connects.


Step 4

Power your computer on and allow it to recognize the devices plugged in.


Step 5

Right-click on the desktop to open its context menu and select "Personalize" from the links. Open the display settings window and change the default monitor to your TV from the drop-down menu.

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