How to Send a Facebook Photo Via Email to Friends Not on Facebook

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Facebook is a great way to communicate and interact with friends and relatives that are members of the social networking site. When you post new photos or videos to your Facebook account, most of your Facebook friends receive a notification and may view them within minutes of the upload. If you want to send Facebook photos to acquaintances, friends or relatives who are not members of the site, though, you have to result to an older technique — email. Emailing your Facebook photos requires a few more steps. Nevertheless, it is not difficult and takes only a couple of minutes.


Download Facebook Photos

Video of the Day

Step 1

Navigate to the Facebook login page. Log in to your Facebook account using your email username and password.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click the "Photos" link underneath your Facebook profile picture on your profile page. Click the album that contains photos you want to email to your friends. Click through the pictures until you find one you want to send to someone else not on Facebook.


Step 3

Click the "Download" link beneath the picture. Select a folder on your hard drive in which to save the folder. Click the "OK" button. Wait a few seconds for the photo to download to the folder you selected.

Step 4

Download additional photos from Facebook as needed.


Email the Photos

Step 1

Launch the email program on your computer or log into the website of your Web mail provider.

Step 2

Click the "New" or "Compose" link on the menu or tool bar of your email client program or on the Web mail site.


Step 3

Type the email of the address of the recipient in the "To" field of the new message window. Alternatively, click the link for your address book and select the recipient from there.


Step 4

Enter descriptive text in the "Subject" field. Enter something that indicates to your friend that you have included a photo with the email. For example, enter "Hi. Here are the new pics" or something similar.


Step 5

Enter a message in the "Body" or "Message" area of the new email window or page.

Step 6

Click the "Attach" link or icon picture of a small paperclip.

Step 7

Navigate to the folder on your PC where you saved the photo that you want to email to your friend. Highlight the photo file name, then click the "Attach" or "Open" button.


Step 8

Attach more photos to send to your friend using the same method used to attach the first one.

Step 9

Review the message. Click the "Send" button or link in the email program or on the Web mail page. The application or Web mail site sends the messages and attachments to your friend's email inbox. After he opens the email, he can view the message and photo or download the picture to his computer.


