If you are having an event or a party, opting for an e-mail invitation saves time and money compared to a traditional invitation. Forget about the postage costs, printing costs, going to the post office and waiting in a line. Instead, the invitation will arrive in the guest's in-box moments after you've written the e-mail. While some people may see this as a lazy alternative, there is nothing wrong with the e-mail option as long as you spend the time thinking about how the invitation should look.
Step 1

Design the invitation. If the e-mail invitation is for a children's party, using large fonts and bright colors may make it seem exciting. If it is a business event, making the e-mail look like a more traditional invitation may be more appropriate. Centering the date, venue and time, and adding an RSVP at the bottom normally works best. Print out the e-mail before sending it to check how it looks visually.
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Step 2

Check the details that you need to include. Does the invitation say where the event is happening? The date it is happening? How to get to the event? What time guests should arrive? How long they should expect to stay? If it is easy to park near the event? The dress code for the event? Your contact details in case of any questions or problems? Any other information that is relevant to your particular event should also be included.
Step 3

Think about when you want to send the invitation and who you want to invite. Generally giving people as much notice as possible means they are more likely to be able to attend the event. Making a list of everyone you want to invite, and checking with other hosts of the party will help ensure no one will be forgotten.
Step 4

The e-mail invitation should be given a final check before it is sent. Use a spell checker to make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
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