How to Set a Default Gateway in Windows

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As soon as you connect your computer to your network, Windows 8 automatically configures your PC so that you can start using the Internet right away. If, however, your Internet service provider requires you to use a static connection to sign in online, you'll need to manually set up your PC via the Control Panel. To configure your connection, you must provide Windows with four pieces of information: the fixed IP address your ISP assigned you, and the subnet mask, default gateway and domain name system server for your provider's network.


Step 1

Press "Windows-D" to switch to the desktop and then right-click the signal bar in the notification area.

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Step 2

Choose "Open Network and Sharing Center" from the context menu and then select your network from under View Your Active Networks.


Step 3

Click the "Properties" button and then double-click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)."

Step 4

Select "Use the Following IP Address" and then enter your network information into the "IP Address," "Subnet Mask" and "Default Gateway" fields.



Step 5

Type your DNS server address into the "Preferred DNS Server" field. If you have an alternate DNS server, type it into the "Alternate DNS Server" field.

Step 6

Click "OK" to set up your connection and then click "Close."

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