Several Panasonic telephones come with a built-in answering machines. You can leave the telephone as is and let your callers hear a message pre-recorded on the device by Panasonic, or you can personalize your phone with your own greeting.
Step 1
Press "Getting Rec" on the base unit.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Press "Getting Rec" again within 10 seconds after you hear the pre-recorded message, "To record greeting, press record again."
Step 3
Lean in so you are within eight inches of the microphone on the unit, and wait for the long beep.
Step 4
Record a personal greeting lasting up to two minutes after you hear the beep.
Step 5
Press "Rec Greeting" or "Stop" after you have finished recording your greeting.
Step 6
Record your greeting again if the base unit displays an "E" and beeps six times in a row.
Step 7
Press "Greeting Check" to hear the greeting you recorded.
Video of the Day