If you are a frequent user of WordPad, you are likely aware of the great deal of strain that the program's small default font can place on the eyes. While it is possible to change the default font in full-featured word processors such as Microsoft Word, this feature is sadly missing from WordPad. However, a workaround exists. Create a document in WordPad and use it as your shortcut when launching the program to set a default font.
Step 1
Launch WordPad. Click inside the document and press the "Ctrl" and "A" keys on the keyboard simultaneously to ensure that the entire page is highlighted.
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Step 2
Use the drop-down Format menu and click "Font" to select and stylize a font you would like WordPad to use as the default.
Step 3
Click "File," then click "Save As." Browse to your desktop, and give your file the name "WordPad." Click the "Save" button.
Step 4
Right-click the new "WordPad" file created on your desktop, and click "Properties."
Step 5
Click the "Read-only" check box and click "OK." Making the file read-only eliminates the possibility of making accidental changes to the document and losing your default font.
Step 6
Double-click the "WordPad" icon on your desktop to launch WordPad in the future. When WordPad opens, the initial font will always be the one you selected to use as the default.
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