Ymail is an email extension provided by the Yahoo email service. In order to allow customers to have access to a wider variety of email names, Yahoo introduced the extensions "@ymail.com" and "@rocketmail.com" to their existing service. Ymail gives email users the ability to create a Yahoo account with names that may have previously been taken by other Yahoo customers with the @yahoo.com extension. This option gives users a chance to get an email address with the exact name they want. Setting up a new Ymail account is simple and can be done from any Web browser.
Step 1
Open your Internet browser, and go to the Yahoo! Mail page. Click on the button labeled "Create New Account."
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Step 2
Enter your personal information on the account setup page. In the appropriate fields, enter your name, gender in the drop down menu, birthday, country and postal code.
Step 3
Type your new Ymail ID and password in the designated boxes. Yahoo will offer you a few suggestions for your new ID, if you do not want any from the suggestions list, then create your own. In the drop down menu for the email extension, choose "ymail.com." Click the "check" button to verify that your chosen ID is not currently in use. Type a password of your choosing in the password field.
Step 4
Enter an alternate email address to receive communications from Yahoo in the event that you forget your ID and password. This is optional, but can be helpful if you lose or forget your password and/or Ymail ID. Choose 2 secret questions from the drop down menus and type answers to each question. These are for security purposes only.
Step 5
Type the visual code you see in the large box below your secret questions. This is done simply to verify that you are a real person. The code is not case sensitive, so lower case letters will work. If you have a problem reading the code you can click the small blue link below the window that says "Try a new code" until you get a code that you can read more easily. You can also click on "Audio code" and it will be spoken out loud for you to type in the appropriate field.
Step 6
Click on the large yellow button called "Create Your Account." The next page will congratulate you for creating a new Ymail account and will also show you your account details. Click on the yellow "Continue" button to start using your new Ymail account.
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