How to Setup Godaddy Email With Mac Mail

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If you have an email account with Go Daddy you can either access the email through Go Daddy's web-based email portal or you can use a third party email client such as Mail on your Apple computer. Third party email clients allow you to download and manage email locally on your computer. To setup your email account with Mail you must first discover the incoming and outgoing server information for your email account then setup the account in the Mail program on your Mac.


Locate Incoming/Outgoing Server Information

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open your web browser and visit Go Daddy's web-based email portal.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Enter your Go Daddy email address into the "User name" field and password into the "Password" field. Click "Log In."


Step 3

Click on "Help" then select "Email Client Settings."

Step 4

Locate your "Outgoing Server Information" and "Incoming Server Information" and record it. You will need it when setting up your Go Daddy email account with Mail on your Mac.


Setup Go Daddy with Mail

Step 1

Click on the Mail icon on your dock to open Apple's Mail program.

Step 2

Click on "Mail" at the top of the program and select "Preferences."


Step 3

Click the "+" icon at the bottom left of the program to create a new email account.

Step 4

Input your full name (as you want it to appear to the recipient), Go Daddy email address and email account password into the applicable fields. Click "Continue."



Step 5

Click the "Account Type" drop-down menu and select either "POP" or "IMAP" based on how your email account with Go Daddy is setup. IMAP email is stored on a server while POP email downloads and is stored on your computer. If unsure of your account type contact Go Daddy customer service.


Step 6

Enter an email description into the "Description" field. Note that this is what you use to identify the email account in Mail and can be anything such as "John's Work Email" or "John's Personal Email."

Step 7

Enter the incoming mail server that you found out in Section One of this article into the "Incoming Mail Server" field. The incoming mail server looks similar to "" or ""


Step 8

Enter your email address and password a second time into the "Email Address" and "Password" fields respectively and click "Continue."

Step 9

Re-enter the same description you entered earlier into the "Description" field for the outgoing mail server. Enter the outgoing mail server that you found out in Section One of this article into the "Outgoing Mail Server" field. The outgoing mail server looks similar to ""


Step 10

Place a check-mark next to "Use Authentication" and enter your email address into the "User Name" field and account password into the "Password" field. Click "Continue."

Step 11

Review the information you entered on the next screen and place a check-mark next to "Take account online." Click "Create."



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