How to Skip Commercials With Direct TV DVR

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TV commercials are usually an annoyance that people endure for the privilege of watching their favorite shows. However, if you have DirecTV and have the optional DVR package, you can easily skip every commercial during your favorite shows, 30 seconds at a time.

Step 1

Use your remote on the on-screen menu and click on "Menu."


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Step 2

Highlight the "Search for Shows" option and click on it.

Step 3

Click on the "Keyword" option. A text box appears.

Step 4

Enter "30SKIP" into the box. Click on the "Continue" button.



Step 5

Go to any recording your have saved in your DVR. When it gets to a commercial, click the "Skip" button on your remote. This button is located near the top of the remote, and looks like an arrow pointing at a line. Your recording automatically jumps forward 30 seconds, skipping everything in between.



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