How to Slow Down a CPU Fan

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You may help increase the life of your computer by slowing down the fan to the central processing unit (CPU) cooling fan. When the fan is not running continually, its workload is shifted and better enabled to take on the demands of sustained computer use. Your computer can breathe a higher quality brand of "fresh air" more often. Read on to learn the quickest method of adjusting a CPU fan and make this action a new beginning of proactive efforts to keep your computer system in optimum health during its youth, early adulthood and even through its senior years.


Step 1

From the Start menu, click "Control Panel."

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Step 2

Select "Performance and Maintenance."


Step 3

Click the "Power Saver" icon or option. (Note: Do not select "Power Options." You must have a Power Saver icon or option to set the CPU fan speed.)


Step 4

The sliding scale in this illustration is determined by how the cooling fan is utilized to cool down the CPU system, from low to high: The lowest performance setting uses the battery method to slow the system by using the CPU speed; the moderate performance setting utilizes the cooling fan to slow down the CPU only when necessary; and the maximum performance setting--the highest scale rating--is independent of the CPU speed and only when the system experiences a temperature increase does the fan start to cool it off. Computer systems vary, but the definition scale is typical options available in adjusting the CPU fan speed.

Step 5

After you make your selections, click "OK" to save your settings and exit.

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