How to Stop Automatic Redirecting

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One of the most common techniques used to redirect a user from one web page to another is by using the "meta-refresh" tag. This line of code triggers a countdown, which goes unseen by the user, until the page automatically redirects to a specified URL. This allows a website owner to force the user to visit any web page they want, which is a security risk if the web page contains malware or viruses. Fortunately, many web browsers allow you the option of disabling automatic redirection.


Internet Explorer

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Step 1

Click the "Tools" menu, then click "Internet Options."

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Step 2

Click the "Security" tab. Click the "Custom Level" button.


Step 3

Scroll down to the "Miscellaneous" section in the "Security Settings" window.

Step 4

Click the "Disable" radio button under the "Allow META REFRESH" option to disable the meta-refresh tag.


Step 5

Click "OK" to confirm the security configuration change.

Mozilla Firefox

Step 1

Click the "Tools" menu, then click "Options."


Step 2

Click the "Advanced" button, then click the "General" tab.

Step 3

Click to place a check in the "Warn me when web sites try to redirect..." check box, under the "Accessibility" section.


Step 4

Click the "OK" button to confirm the change.



Step 1

Click the "Tools" menu, then click "Preferences."


Step 2

Click the "Advanced" tab.

Step 3

Click to clear the check from the "Enable automatic redirection" check box.

Step 4

Click "OK."


