Many televisions are now capable of connecting directly to an Internet source. This allows you to directly view streaming television from a website or service, such as Hulu or Netflix. Without an Internet capable television, this process is impossible. With such a set, it takes only a few moments to connect the TV to a computer modem.
Step 1
Insert the Ethernet cable into one of the "Out" ports on the cable modem.
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Step 2
Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the "Internet In" port on the back of the television.
Step 3
Power on the TV and the computer modem. Wait for all the lights on the modem to stop flashing before continuing.
Step 4
Press the "Input" option and select the "Internet" option. This brings up the Internet mode on the TV. Although all of the televisions do not have an actual Internet browser, the Internet options often include the websites you can access.
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