Playing around with computer art software can provide an amusing way to entertain yourself or even your friends. A popular trend on social networking sites is removing the face of a friend or family member and inserting it onto the body of someone else. To remove someone's face from a picture, all that is required is basic Microsoft Paint, which comes preloaded onto virtually any PC and can be downloaded onto a Mac.
Step 1
Open Microsoft Paint.
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Step 2
Select "File" and "Open." Select the picture from which you would like to remove the face.
Step 3
Select the "Cut" button, which resembles a dotted star in the upper-left hand corner.
Step 4
Trace the outline of the face with your mouse, holding down the left-click function as you do it.
Step 5
Go to "Edit" and select "Cut." The area that you circled should have disappeared.
Step 6
Select "Save" or "Save as" to use the picture in other programs.
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