How to Track Someone on IMVU

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How to Track Someone on IMVU
Image Credit: Jovanmandic/iStock/Getty Images

On IMVU, a user can track another user to see when he or she is online and ready to chat or meet up in a specific room. IMVU Inc. provides several tracking tools for you on the 3-D chat messenger and the IMVU website. The tools use a variety of search parameters, such as friendship status, avatar name, group affiliation and email address. To use these tools to track someone, you simply need to know where to look.


3-D Chat Messenger

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Step 1

Click "Friends" on your IMVU chat messenger's Home screen. On the Friends screen, you may see a blank area under a friend's avatar name indicating that the friend isn't online. If your friend is online, you will see "Online," a green dot and a check mark. "Now at" followed by a room name indicates that your friend is in a public room.


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Step 2

Select the people image at the bottom right corner of the screen as a method to track friends and people you've recently spoken with in public or private chat. The window shows people online and, if any user is in a public chat room, the name of the room will also appear beneath the avatar's name.


Step 3

Click "Chat Rooms" on the Home screen to search for someone in a specific room. Enter the name of a chat room that a friend or other person you know frequents and then click "Search" to find the room. Click the room image to see a list of IMVU users currently in the room.


Step 4

Click "Find People" on the Home screen to track a specific user by his or her avatar name. Type the user's avatar name in the field at the top of the left sidebar to bring up the user's avatar picture. Click the picture to see the user's status.

IMVU Website

Step 1

Scroll to the My Friends panel on your IMVU avatar homepage and then click "View All" to see a friends Web contact list. Scroll down the page to check the status of each friend. You will see "Online" in green or "Offline" in red under your friend's avatar pictures.



Step 2

Choose "People Search" on the Community menu to track a specific user by his or her email address or avatar name. Scroll to the "Find a Friend" section near the bottom left side of the screen, select a search method on the "By" drop-down menu, enter the user's email address or avatar name and then click the "Search" button. A green dot with a check mark indicates that the user is online and no dot indicates that the user is offline.


Step 3

Scroll to the "Find a Friend" section near the bottom left side of the screen, select a search method on the "By" drop-down menu, enter the user's email address or avatar name and then click the "Search" button. A green dot with a check mark indicates that the user is online and no dot indicates that the user is offline.


Step 4

Select "Public Rooms" on the Community menu to track someone to a specific public room. Type the name of a chat room and then click "Search" to find the room. The names of the users currently in the room appear in the room description area.

Step 5

Select "Groups" on the Community menu to track a person within his or her group. Type the group name in the search field and click the "Go" button. Click the group name, scroll to the "Active Members" section on the group's Web page, click "View All Members" and then browse the screen for specific people. Online users are marked with a green dot and check mark.


