You might have some important cell phone voicemail messages that you'd like to keep for future reference. If your cell phone service provider places a limit on how many voicemails you can store on its system, eventually you'll run out of room. The provider might also have a policy of deleting messages after they reach an expiration date. You can transfer cell phone voicemails by copying them to your computer using software that comes already installed.
Cell Phone Connection
Video of the Day
Step 1
Insert the 2.5 mm male plug of your cell adapter into your cell phone's headset jack.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Plug one end of the 3.5 mm cable into the 3.5 mm jack of the adapter.
Step 3
Plug the other end of the 3.5 mm cable into your computer's microphone jack.
Step 1
Call your cell phone's voicemail system, enter your password and start listening to messages playing through your computer's speakers.
Step 2
Click "Start," then "All Programs," then "Accessories," then "Sound Recorder."
Step 3
Click "Start Recording" to record the voicemail audio coming from your cell phone on your computer.
Step 4
Click "Stop Recording" when you are finished with your voicemail. Audio files will be recorded in the Windows Media Audio File (WMA) format.
Step 1
Call your cell phone's voicemail system, enter your password and start listening to messages playing through your computer's speakers.
Step 2
Click on the QuickTime Player icon in the dock.
Step 3
Click "File" and then click "New Audio Recording."
Step 4
Press the red circular button to start recording the voicemail audio coming from your cell phone into your computer. The button will turn into a black square during recording.
Step 5
Press the black square button to stop recording when you are finished with your voicemail. Audio files will be stored in the Apple Quicktime MOV format.