How to Transfer Pictures From Your Digital Camera to Your Tablet

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The most common display size for a tablet is 10 inches, reports
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By 2015, more than 82 million Americans will use a tablet computer, according to A tablet with 64GB of storage space can hold up to 20,000 photos taken with an 8-megapixel camera, depending on picture resolution. You can transfer those digital memories to your tablet via one of several methods.


Digital Camera to Computer

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Step 1

Connect the digital camera to your computer using the USB cable. Wait for Windows 7 to detect the camera as an external storage device and assign a drive to it.

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Step 2

Open the default Windows 7 file manager and the digital camera drive.


Step 3

Open the folder that contains the pictures on the camera. Depending on your digital camera model, it can have different names, including Images, Pictures and Photos.

Step 4

Press the "Ctrl" and "A" keys at the same time to select all the pictures in the folder.


Step 5

Press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys at the same time to copy the pictures to the clipboard.

Step 6

Use the file browser to navigate to a folder on your hard drive. Open the folder and press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys at the same time to paste the images from the clipboard.


Step 7

Disconnect your digital camera from the computer.

Computer to Tablet via USB

Step 1

Connect the tablet to your computer using the USB cable. Windows 7 will assign a new drive to it.



Step 2

Launch the native Windows 7 file manager and open the folder that contains the pictures on your hard drive.

Step 3

Press the "Ctrl" and "A" keys at the same time to select all pictures and press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys at the same time to copy the pictures to the clipboard.


Step 4

Open the drive Windows assigned to the tablet and open the images folder.

Step 5

Press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys at the same time to paste the pictures from the clipboard.


Step 6

Disconnect the tablet from the computer.

Computer to a Tablet Using the SD Card

Step 1

Remove the SD card from the tablet, using the instructions for your specific model from its user manual, if needed.


Step 2

Insert the SD card into the card reader. Wait for Windows 7 to detect the card as an external storage device and assign a drive to it.


Step 3

Use the Windows 7 file manager to navigate to the folder that contains the pictures on your hard drive.


Step 4

Press the "Ctrl" and "A" keys at the same time to select all pictures, then press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys to copy them to the clipboard.

Step 5

Open the drive assigned by Windows to your SD card and press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys at the same time to paste the pictures from the clipboard.


Step 6

Remove the SD card from the card reader.

Step 7

Insert the SD card into the tablet.


