Storing contacts in our cell phones keeps important information at our fingertips -- even though it means we no longer remember our friends' phone numbers. Many people rely on their cell phone contact lists to conduct business and communicate with family and friends. Use Bluetooth technology to quickly and wirelessly transfer your contact list from one phone to another. Although you don't have to use a SIM card for the transfer (the data can be stored in the phone's memory, not on the SIM card), some phones may require a SIM card to be installed to utilize data on the phone.
Step 1
Go to the Bluetooth menu on both phones and select the checkbox to activate the feature. Choose "Add New Device" or similar command on your phone.
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Step 2
Select "Yes" if either phone prompts you to approve pairing with the other phone. If one asks for a password, try "0000," or check the phone's user manual for the default password.
Step 3
Choose "Options" on the old phone. Select "Send All Contacts," if that option is available. Some phones may require you to select "Send Name Card" or "Send Contact," after which you can select "Send All."
Step 4
Select "Yes" if the new phone asks permission to receive the transfer. When the transfer is complete, check the new phone's contact list to make sure it was received successfully.
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